Methods of Enhancing Wood and Bamboo Products

LESSON 3  Importance and Methods of Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood Products

Lesson Objectives:
1.      Discuss the importance and methods of enhancing/decorating bamboo and wood products.
2.      Demonstrate creativity and innovativeness in enhancing /decorating bamboo and wood products
3.     Performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products


Industrial Arts play an important role in our economy. Many occupations and businesses belong to this area. Thousands are employed in different industrial works, both in rural and urban areas
 This lesson will acquaint you with different products made of bamboo and wood that are designed, manufactured, and are sold both here and abroad. It will also discuss ways by which one can enhance finished products made of these materials.

3.1    Importance of enhancing/decorating bamboo and wood products

1.      Finished products tend to be more saleable to customers when enhanced and decorated.
2.      Enhanced and decorated finished products help maintain their durability to harsh elements.
3.      Finished products that are enhanced or decorated beautify the product itself.

3.1.1  Methods of enhancing/decorating bamboo and wood products

Woodcraft and bamboo craft can be enhanced using a variety of methods and techniques. These include:

·        Woodturning  is a process of using a lathe to make various forms and shapes of wood.

·        Hand carving is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used to create designs on the wood. Various textures and surfaces can be created using this technique. Tools such as chip carving knife, gouges, and chisels are used.

·        Pyrography is considered an art using a fire or heat to decorate wood or leather.

·        Flocking technique lines the interior of drawers and boxers with a soft velvety finish.

·        Inlaying combines several techniques that involve inserting decorative pieces in to a base object to incorporate new designs on the original product.

·        Gilding is considered as a decorative technique in which powder is applied on wood or other materials to give a thin coating of gold. Methods of this technique include glueing, chemical gilding, and electroplating.

·        Staining is used to color wood to give an illusion of texture. This may come in two varieties. First, pigment-based stain will color large pores of the wood, while dye-based stain color small pores of the wood.

·        Painting is considered the simplest way of decorating wood since there is a variety of colors that you can choose from. One may also add a lacquer finish to make it more shiny and glossy.


The Basics of Better Living 6 by Gloria A. Peralta. al.
Learning and Living in the 21st Century, by Leonora  D. Basbas, Ph. D.

On our next meeting on Tuesday (September 4,2018), bring any product made of wood and bamboo enhanced using the different methods in enhancing products or finishing materials. Note: only available products you see in your house. Don't forget to review your copy of the lesson because we are going to have a short quiz before we proceed to the next.

-Mr. Galicinao

Mga Komento

  1. Good Article

  2. Is there have another examples please

  3. So helpful po mams/sers... thank you sobra

  4. Wow give me robux or i will kill you

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  6. Thx i need this to my modules 😄👍

    Mga Tugon
    1. Ya me too ang blured kasi ng mga pictures sa modules ko


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